Thursday, February 25, 2010

And so it begins...

It seemed appropriate as an introduction to this endeavor to give some background as to the name of this blog. Calvary members will recall that I solicited suggestions for this name. I received quite a few. They are listed at the end of this post. Charles Reed's suggestion of Coston's Post-Its struck me. From that inspiration, the title Marginalia arose [Charles gets the free lunch].

Marginalia is defined by Mr. Webster as "embellishments" or "non-essential items." If you have ever made notes in a book while reading it, you have contributed to marginalia. Marginalia is reflections on the text. And so this blog is, reflections on the text of our lives as a community of faith seeking to walk as disciples of Jesus Christ.

It will not be inerrant or wholly inspired (or Holy Inspired for that matter). I will do my best not to write about what I had for lunch [one of the cardinal sins for bloggers] but to keep things relevant and interesting. If I may provoke a new perspective or push you to think about something in a new way, then I will consider this successful.

During my time on City Council in Trenton, I had a daily blog. After over 1100 posts, I was glad to put down the keyboard and give it a rest. It is time to pick up the mouse once again. I won't post daily but will put something up at least weekly. Feel free to email me or speak to me in person about comments I make, whether to affirm, disagree, or seek more elaboration.

Without further ado, here are offerings from other Calvary folks as to possible names for this blog: Coston's Comments (2x); Help! I'm stuck in Waco and can't get out; Pastor Jim's Ponderances; Jim's Jargon' Jimblog; From Calvary's Hill; CAUSE! Coston Said; BeCAUSE, Calvary! Coston says; The Pensive Pastor; Coston's Corner; Spiritual Jim-nastics; Jim-nostics; COSTONSNOTIONS; Jim's Journey; Costonology; Back Channels; Higher Callings; Field Report: 76707; With the Coston Mind; the CostOn Discipleship; the Coston Discipleship; Peace and Blessings; Passing the Peace; The Inconsequential Journal of Jim Coston; Confessions of a Sheepdog; Blogging with your PJs; Adventures with your PJs; PJ's World; The Daily Calvarian: Happenings from the Corner of 18th and Bosque; Pastor's Post-It Notes; Coston's Cossets; Jim's Gems; and Pastor's Posts.