Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6--Epiphany

January 6 is the date on the Church calendar when we celebrate the Magi encountering the Messiah child Jesus. I provide this portrait from Joseph Leyendecker via CGFA (circa 1900) for your edification.
Three Kings

1 comment:

  1. Jim, this is my favorite of the remembrances. I love that the three Wisemen came--from the East (an ancient y new way of thinking) from far away-they were Pagan in origination, possibly followers of Zoroaster--they were Wise, wise, wise in Astronomy, Astrology, reading of the signs, ancient texts and in taking all this myriad information and finding the "ONE" Born in that day and time. Magnificent.

    Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate Freedom Eternal...Laurieanne Tuttle
